Bird Watching at its Best!
Bring your Camera and a pair of Binoculars
Gold Finches
Gold Finches
Washington State Bird
Bird watching, is as close
as your cabins front porch.

For the more adventurous you can take a hike, ride a mountain bike, drive into the forest, or take a trip to the near by lakes.

So grab your camera and binoculars, and enjoy the day surrounded by the birds and the wildlife
Swans swimming
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
Horned Grebe
Horned Grebe
Blue Heron in tree
Blue Heron
We received a letter from Karl May a local resident who's wife Kathy is an avid birder who can identify birds by sight, call or song. At their cabin they have kept a record of the birds they have seen in this area over the last 25 years. Below is their list of the birds you may see during your stay with us.

Shorebirds and Ducks: Wilson's Phalarope, Spotted sandpiper, Ruddy Duck, Snipe, Mallard, Shoveler Duck, Black Winged, Green winged and Cinnamon Teal, American Widgeon, Barrows Golden Eye, Scaup, Red Head Duck, Buffle Head, Eared and Horned Grebe, Black tern, Canada Goose, Great Blue Heron, Curlew, Lesser Yellow Leg (Bonaparte Lake Rd), Soro Rail, Loon (Swan Lake..also on Lost Lake, and Bonaparte Lake) King Fisher, Killdeer.

Barn: Rough Winged, Violet Green, Cliff and Bank Swallows. (Bank Swallows just east of the Hanging Rock on Hwy 20) White Throated Swift.

Raptors: Golden Eagle, Bald Eagle, Kestrel, Northern Harrier, Great Horned Owl, Prairie Falcon, Shrike.

Red Winged, Yellow Headed and Brewers blackbirds, Bobolink, Meadow Lark, Clarks Nutcracker, Grays Jay, Magpie, Raven, Crow, Say's Phoebe, Western Wood Peewee, Eastern and Western Flycatcher, Cedar Waxwing, Canyon Wren (have only heard this bird), Siskin.
Common Yellow Throat, Audibon Warbler, Western Tanager, Townsend Solitare, Mountain blue bird, Western Bluebird, American robin, Swainson's Thrush (heard only),
Pigmy, White Breasted, Red breasted Nuthatch. Mountain and Black Capped Chickadees.
Calliope, Black Chinned and Ruffous Hummingbirds
White Headed, Pileated, Downy and Lewis Woodpeckers. Red Naped Sapsucker. Northern Flicker. Common Night Hawk, Poorwill (heard only), Chipping Sparrow, House Sparrow, Crossbill, White Crowned Sparrow.
Loon headed to her nest
Loon headed to her nest
Loon on nest
Loon on nest
Canadian Goose nesting in tree
Canadian Goose nesting in tree
Goose and newly hatched gosslings
Goose with newly hatched gosslings
Gosslings first swim
First swim the day after they hatched, and only about 20 minutes after they did the 30 foot fall from the nest! Perfect formation!
Canadian Goose nesting
Canadian Goose nesting in reeds
Wild Turkeys
Wild Turkeys
Wild Turkeys
Cedar Wax Wing
Cedar Wax Wing
Wood Pecker
Wood Pecker
Swallows at Feeding
Swallows at Feeding Time
Mountain Blue Bird
Mountain Blue Bird
So don't forget your camera and your binoculars, You will enjoy the sites and the sightings.
Come alone or with the family you will be fascinated by the bird watching our area has to offer.

Contact us today to reserve your cabin, and get closer to nature.


Phone:  509  486-1191

474 Cape LaBelle Road, Tonasket, Washington 98855

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